
Cost Modeling Analysis and Market Rate Survey – Why Child Care Needs Both

December 2022 | Tags: Cost Modeling


There's a growing interest by states to explore new, innovative ‘supply-side strategies’ as the ECEC struggles with a system-wide crisis, with specific focus on workforce compensation as a means to improve quality experiences for children ages 0-5. Cost modeling has long been used in various business sectors to understand and address changing sector needs. This webinar explores the ability to ‘transfer’ the use of cost modeling to calculate the cost of running an entire child care system, an individual program, or even the cost per child.

In December of 2022, CELFE’s executive director, Dr. Theresa Hawley, served on a panel of experts hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Institute to discuss what cost modeling is and how it can be used to improve the quality and access of child care and contribute to the sector's sustainability. This webinar also reviewed how cost modeling should work harmoniously with a market rate survey to pinpoint funding strategies to improve quality and expand access to care in the market.


  • Samantha Aigner-Treworgy, Fellow, Early Childhood Initiative, Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Caroline Osborn, Project Assistant, Early Childhood Initiative, Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Theresa Hawley, Ph.D, Executive Director, Center for Early Learning Funding Equity
  • Sara Mead, Deputy Superintendent of Early Learning at DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Moderated by:

  • Linda Smith, Director, Early Childhood Initiative, BPC


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