What Is Funding Equity

Restructuring Funding


States and communities need to build simpler, better, fairer approaches to funding early learning services that will more effectively meet the needs of all children and families. CELFE can help.

We are doing the detailed work of connecting learning, program, and workforce standards to infrastructure, funding, and governance systems—across funding streams—to redesign equitable and effective ECEC systems at the state and local level. We work with agency and program staff to inform the design of data systems to drive policy and build accountability metrics around equity and adequacy. 

Right now, many of the highest quality programs pay for their program by being savvy and leveraging more than one funding stream and ‘layer the per-child funding’ they have to run their program. This places the burden of navigating different funding streams on individual programs. This is what has been standardized as a way to make up for inadequate funding in any one funding stream/program. We believe states need a mechanism by which funding is distributed that overrides the disjointed nature of the ‘system.’

An Example from Our Work: The System in Illinois

The work to determine the adequacy and ascertain the level of inequity of the current ECEC system is foundational to right the wrong that state systems inadvertently create.

In Illinois, the highest quality programs pay for their program by being savvy and leveraging more than one funding stream and ‘layer the per-child funding’ they have to run their program.

These are the currently existing funding streams that a community-based child care program could access. Agencies who administer any one of these programs have no view or knowledge of what other funds the program might also receive.

An Example from Our Work – Funding Pipelines

Mapping Where the Money Goes: Who is Getting Left Out?